Our decision-making bodies of governance, management and control merge into a solid institutional relationship based on maximum efficiency and transparency: since 1982, our financial statements have been submitted for audit.
It is the body that represents the different cultural, entrepreneurial and scientific realities of the Italian territory and society and that defines the programmatic and strategic guidelines of the Foundation. It appoints among its members the president and senior vice president, the members of the Board of Directors and the regional presidents. It also appoints the Supervisory Body and the Auditing Firm.
It is the governing body with powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration of the Foundation.
After receiving the opinion of the Steering Committee, it approves the social report and the financial statements, defines and approves the three-year management plan and approves the amendments to the articles of association and the termination of the Foundation.
On the proposal of the Scientific Director, it approves the institutional grants.
It appoints the general manager, the scientific director, the members of the Technical Scientific Committee upon proposal of the scientific director, the chairman of the Research Advisory Committee and its members upon proposal of the chairman.
The Board of Directors appoints the members of the Board of Directors of the Italian Foundation for Cancer Research (Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro, FIRC-AIRC), in accordance with the provisions of its articles of association.
It is the body of the Foundation that has the function of evaluating research projects and applications for scholarships. It is chaired by the Scientific Director. Here you can find the Commitee members.
It is the Foundation's advisory body for scientific strategy. It assesses the consistency and topicality of existing oncological research funding activities and proposes new funding guidelines applicable in the Italian scientific community, in line with its statutory mandate.
The Supervisory Body monitors compliance with the law and the Articles of Association and with the principles of proper administration, as well as the adequacy of the Foundation's organisational, administrative and accounting structure and its actual functioning.
The Scientific Directorate coordinates the evaluation activities of the research projects. The areas of Administration, Management, Control, Human Resources, Fundraising and Communication are divided into operational units, at the national headquarters. The Regional committees and events Area is part of the Fundraising Area and coordinates the work of the regional offices.
Andrea Sironi
Daniele Finocchiaro
Anna Mondino
Daniele Finocchiaro
Data di pubblicazione: 11 febbraio 2025