Institutional Activity: Fellowships, Grants and Research Programmes

Fellowships in Italy

Awarded mainly to young researchers before or after a PhD degree, these training grants may help a young scientist to learn the basics of cancer research and gain experience, for one, two or three years, at a leading Italian laboratory.


Fellowships for Abroad

Awarded to young researchers before or after a PhD degree, who have already gained experience in a laboratory in Italy, these grants allow for a one or two years of further training in a foreign country, whose facilities are considered at the forefront of oncological research.


My First AIRC Grants

Awarded to researchers who have already gained cancer research experience in Italy or abroad, these grants provide young scientists with the opportunity to run their own project in a state-of-the-art facility in Italy, and to become progressively independent. The funds can be used to cover the costs of research and the salaries of the staff working on the project.


Start-Up Grants

Awarded to excellent researchers who have already matured a significant scientific experience in a foreign laboratory, these grants allow to establish a new laboratory in Italy and manage for five years the research activities in total independence. The funds can be used to cover the costs of research, equipment and the salaries of staff working on project.


Bridge Grants

This grant is meant to help holders of a MFAG or a Start-Up grant at the last year of funding to benefit from an additional year of support to complete the current project and collect further data. In this way, they will be able to better prepare to apply to Calls for established researchers. The funds can be used to cover the costs of research and the salaries of staff working on project.


Investigator Grants (IG)

These grants are meant for established cancer researchers and are the backbone of the oncological research in Italy. They sustain five years projects and can be asked for by scientists several times during their career. The funds can be used to cover the costs of research and the salaries of staff working on project.


Special “5 per mille” Programmes

These multi unit programmes funded with pre-tax donations last up to seven years and put the very best of Italian oncology research at work. The aim is to bring the results of basic research closer to the clinics, in order to identify more effective therapies, to develop new methods of prevention and early diagnosis, and to better understand the metastatic disease. The funds can be used to cover the costs of research, equipment and the salaries of staff working on project.


Accelerator Awards

Co-funded in partnership with Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and the Fundación Científica - Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (FC – AECC), these grants are aimed at boosting translational research projects carried out at the research centres in any of the three countries.


For more information about how we support research, please visit

Data di pubblicazione: 30 gennaio 2023